A quiet garden

I would deem written accounts of a war experience to be culturally and sentimentally valuable, at some point: to historians, psychologists, anthropologists. There haven’t yet been that many modern wars. The front I’m currently at is the miltech silicon valley in terms of the intellectual effort involved (on both sides, unfortunately). Part of it is deadly competition: and, barbaric as the enemy is, they evolve also. And so the deadly race goes on.

That’s the main reason I now write so little: I’m mostly in the world. And as much as I don’t like it as a whole, my world I love and wish to protect. Across the valley, however — which you fly over through faith and rotors — is the advancing world of terror and imposed misery which we must keep under control.

And so to mentally escape this business even for an hour means giving your opponent the time to think and build while you were not.

Still, one has to rest somehow.

The world of letters.


Raison d’etre
